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An Ethiopian staple, Injera is sour, sponge-like and fermented with notes of cacao. It's the perfect picker-upper of all Ethiopian food. This recipe is provided by our friends from Brundo Spice Company. The process takes 5 days of advanced prep to ferment the batter.


For starter:

2 cups Teff flour 2-3 cups warm water

1 teaspoon abish (fenugreek)

For batter:

1 part Teff flour to 1 part water


Mix teff and water thoroughly until it becomes a thick, tomato-soup consistency, then cover loosely with a damp cloth, bees wrap or plastic wrap and let sit undisturbed for about 3 days at room temperature.

This fermentation process is highly influenced by temperature and humidity, so keep in mind that if you are experiencing warmer weather, fermentation will happen quicker and may require more water, whereas in colder weather, it will happen much slower and you might need to lessen the amount of water used.

At the end of the 3 days of fermentation, the mixture will have separated, with a layer of liquid on top of the sourdough-starter-like batter. Pour out the liquid (does not need to be saved) and stir the remaining thick batter.

In a bowl separate from the original starter, combine 1 part Teff flour to 1 part warm water, mix thoroughly before combining with the starter. Continue adding flour or water until the batter is slightly thicker than crepe batter. Loosely cover and let stand for another 2 days. Mix thoroughly before beginning to cook. Add a pinch of abish. .


  1. Set a large (10+ inches across) non-stick pan over medium-high heat.

  2. Pour as much batter as is needed to cover the bottom of the skillet, allow the injera to cook undisturbed while the batter bubbles.

  3. Once the bubbles begin to pop and the edges start to form, place a lid on top of the pan and turn the heat down to low. Allow to steam for a couple more minutes, then remove from pan.

Eat within 1 day or store in a sealed plastic bag so that the injera does not dry out.

Weck jar with bubbly, active sourdough starter

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