Discover accessible, affordable and high-quality supplies for all of your food preservation needs. Our knowledgeable staff are here to answer all of your questions and help set you up with everything you need for your next preserving project. We value face-to-face customer engagement​ and look forward to meeting you at the shop!

VEGETABLES ceramic crocks, jars, airlock lids, ceramic weights, bulk sea salt and more

canning pots, Mauviel copper jam pans, jars, replacement lids, ladles, funnels, racks, jar lifters and more

WINES & MEAD beer & wine kits, yeast, hops, carboys, bottling supplies, sanitizer, adjuncts and more

live & dehydrated milk kefir grains, Body Ecology kefir starter, strainers, jars, muslin cloth covers, Claravale Farms raw milk and more

kombucha kits, SCOBYs, glass & ceramic crocks, muslin cloth covers, flip top bottles, funnels, pH strips, flavoring kits and more

live & dehydrated water kefir grains, Body Ecology kefir starter, raw sugar, strainers, jars, muslin cloth covers, flip top bottles and more

live & dehydrated sourdough starters, proofing baskets, lames, bench scrapers, flour sack towels, Capay Mills bread flours and more

cheese cultures, molds, rennet, cheese forms, muslin cloth and more

heirloom yogurt cultures, vegan yogurt cultures & thickeners, yogurt makers, straining bags and more

red wine & malt vinegar mother cultures, barrels & ceramic crocks, pH meters and more

sprouting kits, lids and an assortment of organic seeds

TEMPEH & NATTO koji, natto & tempeh cultures, miso crocks, tofu presses and more

storage tins, dropper bottles, spray tops, mini funnels, tincture presses, straining bags, beeswax and more

mortar & pestles, fine mesh strainers & sieves, food mills, mixing bowls, wooden spoons & spatulas and more

ADJUNCTS Great Lakes gelatin, agar agar, pectin, citric & ascorbic acids, alum powder, pickling lime, charcoal powder and more