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Fermenting Vegetables

Learn to make your own nutrient-dense, probiotic, fermented vegetables. This class includes a discussion on the history, nutritive value and technique of fermented pickling. We will cover methods for making a shredded ferment like sauerkraut and a brined pickle and taste some uniquely flavored samples. Participants make their own jar of seasonal kraut to take home and ferment. All ingredients and supplies provided, plus students will receive Fermentation Kit as part of their takeaway!
Making Fresh Cheese & Butter

Learn to make your own fresh, organic ricotta cheese and creamy butter from scratch. This class includes a discussion on the history and basic tenets of cheesemaking, then gets hands-on as we churn our own butter and make a fresh batch of ricotta cheese together. We will enjoy the fruits of our labor with fresh sourdough bread, crackers and jam at the end of class. All ingredients and supplies provided.
Sourdough Starters & Breads

Learn the magic of making naturally leavened bread using an heirloom sourdough starter. This workshop includes an introduction to the techniques, maintenance and troubleshooting for sourdough starters and beginner breads. Each participant will create their own loaf in class (to bake the next day) and receive their own heirloom sourdough starter to continue their sourdough journey at home.
*$30 additional materials fee per person for Proofing Basket & Tea Towel.
Quick Pickling

Learn the basics of preserving with vinegar to create delicious pickled veggies that can be ready to eat in a matter of hours or days. This class includes a discussion on safe pickling techniques, classic flavor combinations and a diverse sampling of pickled vegetables. Participants will make a batch of mixed pickles to take home from a selection of seasonal farmers market produce. All ingredients and supplies provided.
Making Jam

Learn the foundations for making the best jam using three simple ingredients: fruit, cane sugar and lemon juice. No added pectin necessary! Together, we’ll review fruit preparation and demonstrate how to achieve the perfect spreadable consistency. Discover the art to this heirloom preservation technique as we make a batch of seasonal jam together for students to take home. All ingredients and supplies provided. *Note this class is only available seasonally.
Brewing Kombucha

Kombucha is known as a “miracle tea” that contains a myriad of health benefits. This workshop includes a lecture on the history of kombucha, a “show and tell” with the SCOBY culture, a discussion of health benefits, and best practices for brewing. Each participant will receive their very own kombucha culture (aka SCOBY) which can be used to make batch after batch of kombucha at home. Together we will create our first brew in class and taste a flight of uniquely flavored kombuchas to inspire your creativity at home! All ingredients and supplies provided.
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