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6 large eggs

~1½ cups miso (any style)

Bring a medium-sized pot of water to a boil over high heat. Using a wide slotted spoon or something similar, gently lower the eggs into boiling water. Boil for 8 minutes. Place a medium-sized mixing bowl in the sink and fill with ice water. When the eggs are done cooking, scoop them out of the pot with the slotted spoon and plunge the eggs into the bowl of ice water to cool completely. Once cooled, peel their outer shell.

Working with 1 egg at a time and with lightly dampened hands, spread about 4 tablespoons of miso in the palm of one hand and set the egg in the middle. Fold miso around the egg, spreading it to cover the egg entirely, as if it were modeling clay. Carefully transfer the egg to a wide storage container with a lid, preferably glass. Repeat with the remaining miso and eggs to make an even layer. Put the lid on and refrigerate the eggs for 4 hours.

After 4 hours, whether you are ready to serve or not, remove the miso from the eggs by scraping your thumb gently across the surface of the egg. Repack the miso into a jar and refrigerate for subsequent egg pickling or miso soup. Refrigerate eggs until ready to serve. They tend to taste better the next day, as they keep curing even after the miso has been wiped off! Enjoy within two weeks of making.

When ready to eat, cut in half lengthwise and serve with a sprinkling of togorashi!

Soft-boiled egg cured in miso for four hours.


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